A severe ice storm in 1996 left me stranded and without power in sub freezing temperatures for 3 days. This prompted me to re-evaluate my emergency preparedness needs. Initially I started with a manual inverter system that required stringing drop cords. In 2003 I replaced the manual system with the whole house Trace UPS.
The Trace system worked perfectly during the December 2005 ice storm which knocked out power for 2 days.
The UPS will power my emergency heat, refrigerator, freezer, some lights and the weather station for over 24 hours without external power. When the batteries get low I recharge them with a portable generator.
The PS-2512 has built-in power monitoring and transfer capabilities. The inverter is always running and synchronized with utility power. If a brownout or blackout is detected the inverter instantly takes the load and supplies power until utility power returns to normal. When utility power is restored the inverter recharges the battery bank with a built-in 130 amp smart battery charger.